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Our Physical Education Club System

Only a Club System can hold a member's interest and loyalty, and help to reinforce the idea that it is worthwile to be involved and active within our sport and the community.          ANTS TOKE

The main objectives of our physical education system are to form and develop young athletes by bringing together the reinforcement of physical aptitude with the consolidation of fundamental techniques.

Our available programs focus on furnishing the community with an enduring, educational means of practicing sports for their inherent value.

Over the short term, through simple repetitive drills, the athletes-to-be gradually adopt a good foundation in technique. The higher the skill level, the more important control becomes and the more essential it is to perfect these techniques. At this stage, the development of good motor skills becomes essential. As with any sports, precision is achieved most effectively through repetition. Practices become extremely demanding, and such-as, call for a great deal of patience and concentration on the part of the young athletes.

Over the medium term, our programs will lead to a further stage of athletic development. At this point, physical conditioning will become more significant, as the simple, repetitive exercises become progressively more complex and diverse.

Over the long term, our programs foster the development and maturity of young athletes by training them in proper technique and good physical condition, the cornerstones of both sports in general and volleyball in particular.

Volleyball - A Personal View
by Ants Toke - Head Coach M.A.R.C. - September 8, 2011

I have tried to put some personal touches of quality to the "super system" of M.A.R.C. and have tried very hard to describe the system in its entirety, and to explain how it must be followed rigorously and to the finest of detail. A system that is complete and workable will increase its value enormously if any part of it can be explained precisely to the fullest and it is understood how that part fits into the rest of the system possibly creating an influence that is multi-directionally positive.

The M.A.R.C. "super-system" is revolutionary, relying totally on common sense. It uses sports philosophy, science and volleyball technology (its rules, equipment, accepted skills, etc.). Skill learning is based on biomechanical principles and biorhythms.

The system's motto - "maximum skill in minimum time", describes the time element within the completion of playing-skill learning which can be achieved in four (4) years by teenagers and young adults.

High-level training skills are taught in order to complement proper skill learning and this includes the use of methods to accelerate playing-skill learning.

A basic analysis of all activities within and around our training facility, such as court ethics, practical maneuvers on the court during skill training, sports related or unrelated individual or group activities, and exterior relationships with the surrounding community, is on-going and is being considered at all times.

Athlete support systems are in place to help the athletes visualize their lifeline in sport with M.A.R.C.

Athlete Support System Programs:
  • Certification of coaching levels through the Canada Coaching Association.
  • Certification of referees through refereeing clinics sponsored by provincial and national sports federations.
  • First aid courses.
  • Job opportunities for younger athletes with the M.A.R.C. Summer Sports Camp.
  • Employment opportunities with CDN-NDG sports organizations and the City of Montreal.
Commentary on Lifelong Commitments to Priorities in Life
by Ants Toke - Head Coach M.A.R.C. - September 8, 2011

The first "priority" in life is your family, (wife, husband, children, parents). The second "priority" is your education (school) with the idea to secure a steady income throughout life. The third "priority" is one's athletic sport that provides a healthy life style preferably spent in a community club situation. This will provide you with, as a by-product, access to the general sports world with all the social involvement you will ever require and the opportunity to make many friendships.

The above is a guide for anyone who cares about his position in life as a valuable member to society with a vision of caring and passion and a positive outlook towards the future. By the way, all of these priorities are equal in value. If one is lost, perhaps only temporarily, then the other two are still intact and may give fulfillment to one's every day life requirements and chores as well as recreationally.

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